(PHOTO)...World's oldest identical twins lived two world wars pass away weeks apart age 103

Britain’s oldest twins have died just weeks apart - after being inseparable for more than 100 years. Devoted sisters Florence Davies and Glenys Thomas shared more than 103 years together before dying within a month of each other. Glenys died in April - and her heartbroken twin Florence couldn’t live with her and passed away soon after. The great-great-grandmothers left behind a family photo album bursting with memories from their time together. The pair were born in 1911 - the year before the Titanic sank - and the centenary sisters have lived through two world wars, the civil rights movement and huge advances in technology and transport. The twins - believed to be the oldest identical twins in the world - built an interior door joining the two kitchens of their homes to make it easier to see each other. The pair did everything in life together and even died within weeks of each other - Glenys passed away on April 23 and Florence died last Wednesday (May 20). Their family put...